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Flemish medical students can "shop" for the ideal place for their Master studies after their bachelor. To make the so-called side-instromers (students who change universities) warm to the VUB, we proposed the following diagnosis: a digital hub, including exclusive content. 

VUB, more than a good idea

All SEO, SEA and content avenues lead to Here interested bachelors of medicine discover that at VUB you can become the doctor you really want to be. How? Through the right injections of information and snackable reading and viewing material. 

For and by students (and doctors)

No better ambassadors for the Master of Medicine at VUB than the students themselves. Through fascinating blogs and smooth vlogs, they show the best of themselves during internships at home and abroad. And top doctors such as Marc Noppen, Dirk Devroey and Elisabeth De Waele are also only too happy to lend their support to the project.